Our Final Film...
Firstly, as a group we sat down and had a think about what direction we wanted our film to go in. Because the options and possibilities for the film were entirely open, we found that this lead to a wide range of suggested ideas being proposed, of which created the problem of choosing the one we all most liked and wanted to do. This took us a couple of days to think about as we would agree on an idea and then go away and realise that we were not happy with it, for reasons such as it being too long, too difficult to do e.c.t.
We played with a few ideas and finally decided on projecting images of the human life cycle onto the skin for example birth, childhood, adulthood, old age and death. We liked the idea and decided to stick with it and this lead us to (as a form of research) ask people what images came into their minds when we said each of these stages of the life cycle, this surprisingly lead to people very enthusiastically conveying some personal memories and things about themselves in relation to the stages we asked them about, we were very surprised by this and actually quite liked the involvement of people’s ideas and personality’s.
This was the second collaborative project that I was given, in which I worked with Performance Costume and Film and TV first year students like myself. The project itself was called "The Human Landscape" in which we were given the task of creating a film that involves or has something to do with the human body. As you can tell this is a very open project brief and meant that it was very difficult to come up with our final idea.
Firstly, as a group we sat down and had a think about what direction we wanted our film to go in. Because the options and possibilities for the film were entirely open, we found that this lead to a wide range of suggested ideas being proposed, of which created the problem of choosing the one we all most liked and wanted to do. This took us a couple of days to think about as we would agree on an idea and then go away and realise that we were not happy with it, for reasons such as it being too long, too difficult to do e.c.t.
We played with a few ideas and finally decided on projecting images of the human life cycle onto the skin for example birth, childhood, adulthood, old age and death. We liked the idea and decided to stick with it and this lead us to (as a form of research) ask people what images came into their minds when we said each of these stages of the life cycle, this surprisingly lead to people very enthusiastically conveying some personal memories and things about themselves in relation to the stages we asked them about, we were very surprised by this and actually quite liked the involvement of people’s ideas and personality’s.
realised that the way we wanted to create the film (Projecting animations and
film onto skin) was technically too difficult and so we went back to the
drawing board. We knew that we wanted to introduce the idea of asking members
of the public a question that would make them show their personalities, but in
a simple and easy way to execute. And so for our final idea we thought about
asking what part of their body do they perceive themselves as doing this in a
documentary style, we knew there would be the risk of not getting the answers
we were looking for but we had confidence that would could get some good
And as a group we went out and filmed around 43 people in total, with Mollie (Film and TV student) operating the camera, Charlotte (Performance Costume student) interviewing and myself being in charge of sound and animation (when it came to making it). We ended up getting really quite funny reactions and answers and a large amount of content to edit for our film. We firstly wanted to get a basic edit done with all the people we would have in the film first which would allow me to go off and animate the parts of the body people suggested. We all did this as a group with Mollie editing the actual film and Charlotte and myself helping decide what edits needed to be made. We had a few problems with pacing and adding the animation but these were resolved once we reconfigured the film.
And as a group we went out and filmed around 43 people in total, with Mollie (Film and TV student) operating the camera, Charlotte (Performance Costume student) interviewing and myself being in charge of sound and animation (when it came to making it). We ended up getting really quite funny reactions and answers and a large amount of content to edit for our film. We firstly wanted to get a basic edit done with all the people we would have in the film first which would allow me to go off and animate the parts of the body people suggested. We all did this as a group with Mollie editing the actual film and Charlotte and myself helping decide what edits needed to be made. We had a few problems with pacing and adding the animation but these were resolved once we reconfigured the film.